I crack myself up.
Hmmm....why did my belly hurt? Oh yeah. So I'm trying to run a few errands and I drive all the way to Wegemans because I have to buy their chocolate sprinkles for my ice cream. I'm telling you they are the best ones. They sell them right at the register (which I totally bi-passed and went right to the back of the store to the olive bar). So I get myself a container with Olives stuffed with Blue Cheese, Sun dried Tomatoes and Mediterranean...not to be out done by the olives were those little fat hot peppers stuffed with provolone cheese and some kind of meat.... I didn't want them to feel left out so I scooped up a few of those too. I head to the register (after grabbing a wedge of some awesome looking jalapeno jack cheese) to get what I came for. My freakin chocolate sprinkles. Feeling somewhat victorious that I navigated away from everything else I decided I should reward myself with a little pack of peanut m&m's... protein.
I check out and get in my car thinking I'll snack on the m&m's and then I think..... wait.. let me try and olive... I eat about 6 giant olives stuffed with all sorts of goodness and just to be fair (while driving mind you) I shove a whole giant pepper in my mouth!!! Yummmm....I'm like an Italian Pig in Shit at this point..... feeling kind of oily now I decide....it's time for chocolate! So now on the ride from Wegemans to Deans Natural Market I am a human stuffed with stuffed olives, peppers and chocolate.
Thank goodness for goodness..... I bought two big heads of organic lettuce, cucumbers and a water.
I just want to be fair and let you know that the next day (yesterday) I woke up and made myself a Chocolate Chip Mint ice cream cone for breakfast....for dinner.... I ate a head of lettuce with some crab meat and lemon and some herbs from my garden.... feeling good about dinner I rewarded myself with another ice cream cone.
Yep... this blog is a good place for me to just tell it like it is people.....
Ok.... got to run.. time for breakfast :)

This is a place that I can spout off about all sorts of random "stuff"... From my food confessions, politics, shopping, tv, little hints and tips I've picked up, entertainment, marketing and on and on... There has been a multitude of friends and family always saying I should have a talk show, magazine, blog etc... so this is my little something to satisfy that. Always with poor grammar and spelling so just go with the flow. Feel free to comment, ask questions....whatever. xxxo
1 comment:
Damn... now I want a Chocolate Chip Mint Ice Cream cone with chocolate sprinkles! mmmmmmmmm....
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