Hey Peeps.
Ok... I'm back to blogging. It's been a long time.
You don't have to pay attention to me but I'm hard to ignore....soooooo..... if you want to subscribe to my nonsensical opinions, suggestions, rants and 'news', I welcome all.
Please 'FOLLOW' my blog to be involved in the festivities.
I feel blogs coming about food, fashion, dual purpose use for things around the house and reviews on things from movies to ice cream to charities to deals. Photos are always a big part of blogging too so if you're like me and enjoy picture books more than novels then you have found a haven.
See you back on here real soon....
And as always. Comments and interaction are welcomed!! Just keep it semi-clean.

This is a place that I can spout off about all sorts of random "stuff"... From my food confessions, politics, shopping, tv, little hints and tips I've picked up, entertainment, marketing and on and on... There has been a multitude of friends and family always saying I should have a talk show, magazine, blog etc... so this is my little something to satisfy that. Always with poor grammar and spelling so just go with the flow. Feel free to comment, ask questions....whatever. xxxo