So this is rich....
Is anyone besides me under the impression that the airline industry is having a tough time? I hear about it alllll of the time on the news... they are charging for heavy bags, extra carry on, take off your shoes, throw out your crazy explosive face creams, you can't bring that sharp metal death weapon on a plane (otherwise known as tweezers) and take off your death shoes!! Ok... so we do all of this and do you think Continental could ANSWER THE PHONE!?!?
BELIEVE me when I say I would rather do all of my "stuff" online... I'm the girl that does the self check-out at the grocery store to avoid one more goofy person... BUT .... Continental is a giant company... I called the only number they list for domestic reservations and a recording comes on s.t.a.t. saying they can't take the call. High call volume. Try the Internet "Goodbye". Are you kidding me? I called at 3 different times. Well good for Continental. If their call volume is that high that they don't need to talk to anyone... KUDOS to you.
See, this is where my blog comes in handy. I can spout off and say what I want and if any of the 12 followers I have want to chime in....feel free. If not, I said my say.
A happier blog post will follow later!

This is a place that I can spout off about all sorts of random "stuff"... From my food confessions, politics, shopping, tv, little hints and tips I've picked up, entertainment, marketing and on and on... There has been a multitude of friends and family always saying I should have a talk show, magazine, blog etc... so this is my little something to satisfy that. Always with poor grammar and spelling so just go with the flow. Feel free to comment, ask questions....whatever. xxxo
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
A 23 year old cat. A 5 year old fish.
So I have some random thoughts I want to spout off about this morning regarding my cat.....
How is it possible that this 23 year old 4.5 lb feline can be such a dominating factor in my life? I'm EXHAUSTED today and it's only 7:25 am on Tuesday morning. How is this possible you ask? Because Olivia has been keeping me up all night over her food obsession..... Half & Half and/or Reddi Whip !
It's interesting how animals, like people get so fixated on eating. What is that all about? I'm guessing it's because we use food as a reward for ourselves and sometimes our pets. Even my goldfish 'Jeter' is obsessed with food. I feed him 3 different kinds of fish food AND Organic peas. Have you ever seen a manipulating goldfish???? Well if you haven't, come on over and witness the spectacle in my kitchen. (One day remind me to tell you about his little soul)
So anyhoo.... I guess slurping down some more coffee will get me through the first part of my day.....later I will find a nap!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Monday, Monday!
For some reason I really like Mondays. I think it's because there is a flow to the work week.
So this week I'm going to use my better judgement and see if I can control my eating habits. Last week was full of cupcakes, cannolli, BAGS of Stacey's Cin/Sugar Pita chips and on and on. Holy Cow... pun intended. I am fooling myself thinking that I have time to pull myself together before summer. HELLLOOOOOO..... it's the end of May freak show.
Does anyone else know this dilemma I speak of? What are you guys doing to curb your enthusiasm for food? Tips Welcomed. Let's take a little look back at some of my past food finds......Oh and by the way... these photos were taken in about a span of 3 weeks. Oy Vey!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Day Two...
Ok.. here I am on day two of my Hey Chickie blog. I do have to make a couple of quick comments on my food... So yesterday I ate this giant awesome cupcake from Brennan's in Rumson. Holy Mother Of God it was great! Today I am sitting behind the desk of my spa, Spa 500 llc and infront of me I have a box of cannolli !! I have not indulged yet.... but It's coming.
By the way, Spa 500 is awesome. I have a secret too.... we are going to change our name soon and we are having a 'naming contest' ... stay tuned.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Day One of Hey Chickie Says

Hey Chickie Says....
This is my first blog entry ever so I'll make it short and sweet.
For all of my friends who insist that I have a blog because I'm so 'chock-full' of ideas I'm doing this thing.
Topics will be random, vast, full of poor grammar and spelling and will always be true to how I feel.
Go ahead.... ask questions, get nosy, what ever works. It's all good in the hood on my blog.
Wish me luck.
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